
Interested in joining or wish to renew your membership ?

Benefit from all the API features in 2 steps:

STEP 1 - Click here to download your application form and send it back to hvtourisme@gmail.com

STEP 2 - You can now select, pay and request or renew your membership directly online, by clicking here

Download the fees detail here and see more detail below on your membership options.

You are an individual...click here

One individual affiliated = ONE subscription and ONE Delegate

  • Professor, teacher
  • Hotel manager, chef, manager
  • Consultant, expert, journalist 
  • Civil servant 
  • Retired (without professional activities)

You are a legal entity...click here

One legal entity affiliated = ONE subscription and THREE Delegates

  • Educational Institutions (school, college, high school, university, institute of training)
  • Alumni Association
  • Industry
  • Independent Organization 
  • Group and hotel chain 
  • National Organisation (public service, ministry, associations…)

Any suggestions or questions to join us

Leave us a quick message - contact us