AMFORHT | Groups



AMFORHT worldwide Forums

  • Forums are major international gatherings bringing together all members and partners of the Organisation- they are organized by one or more volunteer members after formal proposal, validation by the Board and contracting with the Executive Board

  • Objective is to hold at least a Forum every year
  • Duration is two to three days
  • See the lastest World Forum website - celebrating the 50th Anniversary of AMFORHT

23rd World AMFORHT ForumAMFORHT regional Conferences

  • Conferences are gatherings of national or regional members of the Association (and any other international member) around one topic - they are organized by one or more volunteer members of the country after a formal proposal, validation by Board of Directors and contracting with the Executive Board

  • The aim is to organize a conference every year by country that accounts a substantial number of members

  • Duration is one day

AMFORHT General Assemblies

  • The Articles of Association require the organization of an annual General Assembly -  which gathers all members of the Association 

  • Duration is a half a day

  • They are organized in conjunction with a forum or a conference, or separately in a country close to the majority of members
         - Read the lastest General Assembly & Board meeting report dated 16th March 2019 in Paris

         - Read the General Assembly Minutes, dated 23rd March 2018 in Luxembourg
           and the presentation in English
         - Read the General Assembly Minutes (dated 29th November 2017) in Montreal, Quebec, Canada
           and the General Assembly presentation in French

Want to be part of one of our events or organize one? contact us
