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Our current sponsors

Institut Paul Bocuse

Since 1990, Institut Paul Bocuse has been the repository of a know-how related to the culinary arts and the art of receiving in French, at their highest level of excellence. Its experiential pedagogy allows its students, of 55 nationalities, to create their own professional identity and become keyplayers, entrepreneurs of the hotel and catering industry in the world.
L’Institut Paul Bocuse est dépositaire depuis 1990 d’un savoir-faire lié aux arts culinaire et à l’art de recevoir à la française, à leur plus haut niveau d’excellence. Sa pédagogie expérientielle permet à ses étudiants, de 55 nationalités, de créer leur propre identité professionnelle et devenir acteurs, entrepreneurs de l’hôtellerie et de la restauration dans le monde.

Contact: Eléonore VIAL, Dean -

Association Hôtellerie Québec (AHQ)


The Association Hôtellerie Québec - (AHQ) -  brings together classified hospitality and tourism organisations. Its mandate is to inform, to participate in social development and to represent the collective interests of its members in order to increase the competitiveness of the hospitality industry, hotels and tourism business of Quebec. The AHQ is recognized as a cutting-edge model and shine as a leader of influence in the understanding and communication of trends and international best practices in the hospitality and tourism industry.
L’Association Hôtellerie Québec rassemble les établissements d’hébergement touristiques classifiés. Son mandat est d’informer, de participer au développement social et de représenter les intérêts collectifs de ses membres afin d’accroître la compétitivité de l’industrie hôtelière et touristique du Québec. L’AHQ est reconnue comme modèle avant-gardiste et rayonne comme chef de file d’influence dans la compréhension et la communication des nouvelles tendances et des meilleures pratiques internationales de l’industrie touristique.

Contact: Xavier GRET, CEO Tel.: (579) 721-6215, ext. 2

Become an AMFORHT Sponsor

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Select your personnalized sponsoring option ; we help you to optimize your networks on the long term.


Key benefits

Our worldwide network and range of services enable us to respond to your various corporate concerns, among which:

  • Get great visibility of your brand and products, services, programs,
  • Gain direct dynamic from partnership agreements, cooperation and business relationships between members,
  • Use and enjoy the efficient AMFORHT communication tools and events:
    • the collaborative online platform along with the website, allowing meetings and communication with future partners and permanent posts
    • be active on most international and regional events - forums and conferences create social links and stimulate synergies between members
  •  Be tuned to the members, as AMFORHT encourages networking, BtoB human & communication.

Official AMFORHT Sponsoring

From a "Bronze" collaboration to a "Gold" presence, you will get the best of it. 
Ask us now and secure your presence for a whole year! 
  • in our website
  • in our e-mailings

NEW ! some personnalized options allow you to display your online banner on our the AMFORHT Home page, get some free stands during forums, conferences or meet your expectations

Request your sponsoring with AMFORHT now for a whole year
Fill the form here 
See the sponsoring options