AMFORHT | Groups



Organization of Forums

22nd World Forum in Luxembourg

When: from 21st to 23rd March 2018
A fascinating 22nd edition was enthusiastically attended by more than 100 participants from 22 countries. AMFORHT organised this international event in collaboration with BBI Luxembourg – School of International Hotels & Tourism Business – and in close partnership with the AccorHotels Group, the premier European hotel group and main sponsor of the event.

Enhanced by the presence of numerous personalities and ministerial delegations from several countries as well as that of Mme Francine Closener, Secretary of State for the Economy and Mr Francesco Frangialli, Honorary Secretary General of the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO), this 22nd Forum was particularly rich in exchanges, round tables, seminars and discoveries.
Among the event’s many highlights, participants especially enjoyed the guided tour of the BBI Luxembourg campus, the International Food Festival in Wiltz and the fantastic gala dinner organized at the Sofitel Luxembourg, not forgetting the overall quality of the entire organization.

Read article from e-Hotelier

21st World Forum in Montreal (Quebec-Canada)  

When: from 26th to 29th November 2017
The Hoteliers Association of Quebec (AHQ) and the famous ITHQ College are organizing our next AMFORHT Forum and General Assembly in Montreal - Quebec - Canada. Register now and attend an amazing common congress for un unforgettable experience! Fresh information on our home page event and

20th World Forum in Puebla (México)  

When: from 16th to 19th November 2016
AMFORHT lived in the Mexican way. Organized by Puebla and Monterrey ICUM College Directors, Giovanna MEDINA and Ricardo MEJIA, assisted by Michel MOUISEL, AMFORHT first-vice-president, the organization of this 20th AMFORHT Forum since 47 years was equal to the importance that our organization has taken in recent years.
Around 400 Mexican students and professors gathered around our AMFORHT Members who came from 12 countries including Russia, China, Canada, ... The General Assembly of November 17th was a significant moment during which important decisions were decided for the future of our Organization, including the election of half of our Board as well as the vote on a new economic model that will allow our global development.

Theme:Innovation, sensoriality and marketing in hospitality industry”

This year, 15 activities with a mix of conferences, interactive workshops and business speed-networking and many surprises to allow you to meet directly with new contacts, gain tools and move on training and tourism projects.


19th World Forum in Palma de Mallorca (Spain)  

When: from 8th to 10th October 2015
Gain a deeper understanding of the rapiditly evolving world of tourism with new technologies or refresh your current knowledge. Ideal for thoses new to the field, for educational institution at all level, Tourism and Hotel professionals.
Organizers: Anestur with the University of Baleares - ETB-EUT, Spain
Themes & program: Education in tourism, Innovation, reputation.
A panel of Tourism professionals, famous speakers, innovation experts presented fundamentals workshops and covered their key areas, attendees were able to share best practices.

See the video of the event here: 

See the video of one partner presentation FRAPADOC Production 

See full articles on our press corner 


18th World Forum in Bologna (Italy) 

From 20 to 22nd Nov, 96 participants experienced concrete meetings, speed-networking sessions and operational pans between members. Delegates from 12 countries, represented around 500 organizations and personalities from 54 countries.

Main focus: the welcome pre-congress to Equip' Hôtel-Paris and the VIP welcome by Corinne MENEGAUX, the conference animated by Global STR, Steve HOOD coming specially from the USA, the conferences on the theme "the œno-gastronomie and training".

2 particular events:

  • The signature of partnership protocol with the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). Yolanda PERDOMO, director of the affiliated members, came specially from Madrid, and under the Francesco FRANGIALLI's friendly eye, former General Secretary of the UNWTO, suggested in the AMFORHT being recognized as its partner on the questions of training and education in the world. 
  • The election of a new widened Board meeting, the creation of new internal rules, a new Internet platform for the members and the election of a AMFORHT President (Philippe FRANCOIS) for a second 4 years mandate. 

See full article in French here:


Candidacy to organize a Forum

Please contact us if you would like to organize an AMFORHT forum.